Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Lasting Impressions

I was having lunch with my step-brother the other day. We are only 10 years apart, but he is Gen Y, I am Gen X. It was amazing to see what a difference that can make when you think about the events that leave a lasting impression on a child.
I remember the Carter days, and everyone complaining about inflation. Then, Reagan became President, and delivered these great messages about hope. He had faith in American values and our future, and shortly thereafter, I saw the Berlin wall come down and the Cold War came to an end. We had a great economic boom in the 80's and 90's, which coincided with my formative academic years at Andover, Georgetown and GW Law School. When I graduated, there were plenty of jobs, and spirits were high. Then, the twin towers in New York and the Pentagon in DC were hit on September 11, 2001, and everything changed.

For those of us lucky enough to remember the good times prior to September 11, 2001, I think we remain filled with hope and take solace in our memories of better days. But for those that lack those things, I'm not sure what guidance to provide. This has been a tough decade, and no one is sure how long it will be before we ever enjoy the economic prosperity of days gone by. All I can say, is that perhaps this economic downturn can be seen as an opportunity for everyone to truly consider what matters most to them. What I have learned is that none of things I care about the most came easily, and they also can't be taken away regardless of the state of our economy. No matter what, I have my education, life experiences, and great relationships. Those are the things that have left a lasting impression on me, and hopefully Gen Y and all future generations can take heart in that.

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