Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Rat Race- What is the Point?

From as far back as I can remember, the pressure was always there to get good grades, get into good schools, build a good resume, then get a good job. Many seem to think this is the perfect formula to a happy life. Well, let me say flat out-- it is not. The pressure to perform doesn't end, it just keeps building. The more money, the more stress-- and as I have repeatedly mentioned, lots of people lack good coping mechanisms for all this stress, which is how they wind up needing my assistance with a divorce.

In the end, few of us will be remembered for what we did at work. Bankers, lawyers, doctors, are all a dime a dozen and firms will always believe that anyone can be replaced. Yet, what people will remember most are the acts of kindness and relationships we formed while we here. Just this week I realized that the most gratifying moments were being able to come through for my step-brother and son. Making time to help them both and spend quality time were the most satisfying moments of this week-- not the huge court win (although that was a nice bonus).

An old friend from high school was shocked to learn about my "Jerry Maguire" moment at work this summer. He never saw that coming from me, and indeed either did I. I confess I was once sucked into the rat race, but truly what is the point? You can't take it all with you. I am more concerned with enjoying a work-life balance while I remain here, helping others attain that, and making sure that what I leave behind is a clear message that happiness is something we can all attain by finding the courage to love.

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